I'm not even sure if this is where I want to record my personal thoughts on EVERYTHING that ever crosses this mind of mine.. sometimes I can ramble about things just to clear it up in my own head.. i'm pretty sure that wouldn't be of interest to most people. But you never know, right. Maybe you're reading this and thinking you're a lot like me. Maybe you're just intrigued by the randomism's of someone else's mind.. if you are like me you'll find that most times it trigger idea's and things you've never given much thought to.. but probably should. So here goes..
I've been focusing on my own personal development consistantly since attending The Chicago Game Plan Event in January of this year. Everyone that attended received a book and an audio cd. Both of these gifts have tremendously changed my outlook on success. My own success. Ya know, I never thought of myself as a wealthy person. I always thought it just wasn't in the cards for me. I didn't grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth and I'm not into rich guys that brag about their fast cars and speed boats. It never occured to me that I could design my own future.. my own successful future. I believe I am the most independent of females. I am very proud and will break my back doing something before ever asking for help. I am not sure where that comes from but I'm sure, like most other unhealthy characteristics, it has a lot to do with my upbringing. Whatever the case, I just accepted the struggle. Work 9-5, take care of my son and deal with whatever comes up in between. Complaining never got anyone anywhere.. or so I was taught. Don't cry over spilt milk, be grateful for what you have instead of what you don't have... all those quotes kept me from feeling sorry for myself. I always knew that as bad as I thought I had it.. someone out there had it much worse and I had no right to complain about my situation. I was never taught that I didn't have to live this way. I can't blame anyone. My mom did the best she could with what she had.. and she wasn't taught any better.. how can you teach what you don't know. So.. when I read the book, "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson it woke me up! I could relate!! This dude was just like me and everyone else I ever knew.. living paycheck to paycheck.. struggling to make ends meet.. but he saw the successful people living it up.. enjoying life and he asked himself one simple question I never even thought to ask myself... "What makes us so different"? WOW! Yeah, what the hell makes me so different? Why I never asked myself that question is beyond me.. and if I would have asked myself that question.. would I have been smart enough to investigate? Either way... I'm here now! I asked the question and I'm looking for the answers.
The audio cd I received was "How To Build Your Network Marketing Business" by Jim Rohn. It was the first thing I listened to after leaving the event that day. The energy I took with me from that event had me pumped. I couldn't wait to get my business off the ground and this cd was suppose to help. Jim Rohn was an awesome man! I listened to him talk and he inspired me to reach higher and dream bigger. That's been my problem all along.. and now that I know that I can reach as high as I want and dream as big as I want.. I need to learn HOW. The mental image in my mind is so vague.. because I don't even know how to picture myself there.. it's like a mental fence.. and I don't know why it's so high and so thick but I need to tear it down if I'm ever gonna get where I want to be. Jim Rohn says it's in the books.. so I'm gonna read em all!! I'm starting this journal because Jim Rohn said to. He said we can't trust ourselves to remember it all.. so I'm typing it. When I'm not typing it I'll be writing it. Everything this man tells me to do, I'm doing. If it doesn't get me out of where I'm at, then, at the very least, it can't make things any worse then they already are.
There is a lot to be said about our philosophy leading us to our destiny. I've always tried to see the positive side of things. I've always tried to find the bright side. I think that's the first step in finding success.. you have to believe it's possible. If you can see the bright side and see the positive in all things.. it must be possible to touch the stars. I believe it can happen and I believe it can happen to me. My "blueprint" for success needs to be re-written.. and I'm learning to do that! Stay tuned~ this is the beginning of something BIG! ;)